Tea is a special plant, sensitive to time, the taste will change with the season. The difference in weather in the different seasons is one of the most important factors affecting the overall quality of the tea. With time, the flavor will change with the seasons. The difference in weather in different seasons is one of the most important factors affecting the overall quality of tea.
Spring (March-May)
This is usually the most famous tea picking season, especially in the oldest tea regions. Spring is when tea buds and young leaves appear on the tea bushes after a dormant period in winter. In these places, rosehip buds are most prized because they contain all of the flavor and nutrients stored over the winter, making them succulent, rich in texture, and exceptionally fragrant. Spring tea picking begins around early March and lasts only a few weeks or in some places lasts until May.
Although the spring-harvested tea makes up a relatively small part of the year’s harvest, it’s usually the most noticeable. In general, tea harvested in the spring has a very mild flavor and a strong aroma. Minimally processed green and white teas are best harvested in early spring. As the first buds after hibernation will yield the sweetest flavor, thanks to their slow growth rate. Also, one of the most popular teas during this season is Oolong tea.
Summer (June – August)
During the hottest time of the year, tea plants grow well. This is the season when most mass-produced teas are picked, either by hand or by machine. Unfortunately, the increased growth rate means the leaves have less time for the tea to store carbohydrates and develop complex flavor compounds, so tea harvested during these summer months doesn’t have a strong aroma. as rich as spring tea. Additionally, increased pest threats in warmer weather require the plant to produce more caffeine than average, which contributes to the tea’s bitter and astringent taste.
Farmer often packaged summer-grown black tea leaves into tea bags or loose-leaf blends. People designed it to drink with milk and/or sugar. People picked green tea during the summer months to use as the base for jasmine or other flavored teas. While these summer teas have less inherently complex flavors. Their larger quantities, lower prices, and delicious flavors make them the perfect base for flavored blends or beverages. like milk tea or kombucha.
Autumn (September – November)
Green tea trees
Most oolong teas, including teas from Guangdong, Fujian, and Taiwan, have a second harvest in the fall, due to cooler weather and slower growth rates before dormancy. Whether spring or fall produces the tastier teas of these varieties is a matter of debate, often depending on the specific weather conditions of the year and personal taste preferences.
Autumn tea has a higher content of aromatic essential oils, known as the “autumn fragrance” of tea. The fresh and cool autumn weather helps to synthesize and accumulate tea aroma. However, the accumulation of nutrients in autumn tea is relatively less because the growing period of autumn tea is shorter than that of spring tea.
Winter (December – February)
During the coldest months of the year, most tea plants enter a dormant period and do not produce new leaves. Instead, tea plants typically gather nutrients, especially carbohydrates, this season and prepare for the spring harvest. In contrast, tea plants in warmer latitudes are harvested during this time of year, but do not produce higher quality leaves the following spring.
An unusual exception to the usual dormancy occurs in Taiwan, where unusually warm weather can “trick” tea plants into sprouting. The tea leaves harvested during this unique season are the sweetest of the year, thanks to the large number of carbohydrates needed in the leaves to strengthen growth through difficult weather conditions. These teas are called dong pian, or “winter sprouts,” and are quite unlike teas from any other harvest season, even those from the same plant.
The taste of winter tea will usually be mild and sweet. Although the flavor is not as rich as spring tea, it is also soft and chewy.
Contact Vihaba for detailed product information and the best deals for Vietnamese agriculture products. Now is the tea harvest season in Vietnam, so if you are interested in the price of tea in Vietnam, you can contact Vihaba to get the best price!